About Ed

The Law of the Unforeseen, Edward Harkness' third full-length collection of poems (released September 2018) is now available at Pleasure Boat Studio. He is also the is the author of Saying the Necessary and Beautiful Passing Lives, likewise from Pleasure Boat Studio press. He earned an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Montana, where he studied with some of the best in poetry: Richard Hugo and Madeline DeFrees. His poems have appeared in print and online journals, including Cascadia Review, Chariton Review, Fine Madness, Great River Review, Hinchas de Poesia, The Humanist, The Louisville Review, Midwest Quarterly, Miramar, Mudlark, Raven Chronicles, Switched-On Gutenberg, The Salt River Review, and Terrain.org. He lives with his wife, Linda, in Shoreline, Washington.